3  Time Series Analysis

Chapter 3 of Tanimura (2021) is really two chapters. The first part of the chapter discusses some finer details of dates, date-times, and time stamps. This material is important, but a little technical and bewildering without some concrete use cases. This complexity is compounded by the use of DuckDB here and PostgreSQL in Tanimura (2021), as some details work a little differently from one backend to the other. Finally, while there are some interesting issues in using dbplyr with timestamp data, there probably need data and settings to fully comprehend. As such, I have put the code related to this part of Chapter 3 of Tanimura (2021) in Section 1, part of the appendix.

The second part of the chapter is where Tanimura (2021) really starts to take off. This is where it starts playing around with real data.


3.1 The Retail Sales Data Set

We read the data

db <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())

retail_sales <-
  tbl(db, "read_csv_auto('data/us_retail_sales.csv')") |>
  compute(name = "retail_sales")

Now that we have the data in R, a few questions arise.

First, why would we move it to a database? Second, how can we move it to a database? Related to the previous question will be: which database to we want to move it to?

Taking these questions in turn, the first one is a good question. With retail_sales as a local data frame, we can run almost all the analyses below with only the slightest modifications. The modifications needed are to replace every instance of window_order() with arrange().1 The “almost all” relates to the moving average, which relies on window_frame() from dbplyr, which has no exact equivalent in dplyr.

So the first point is that “almost all” implies an advantage for using dbplyr. On occasion, the SQL engine provided by PostgreSQL will allow us to do some data manipulations more easily than we can in R. But of course, there are many cases when the opposite is true. That said, why not have both? Store data in a database and collect() as necessary to do things that R is better at?

Second, performance can be better using SQL. Compiling a version of this chapter using dplyr with a local data frame for the remainder took just under 14 seconds. Using a PostgreSQL backend, it took 8.5 seconds. Adding back in the queries with window_order() that I removed so that I could compile with dplyr and using DuckDB as the backend, the document took 8.3 seconds to compile (this beat out PostgreSQL doing the same in 9.6 seconds). While these differences are not practically very significant, they could be with more demanding tasks. Also, a database will not always beat R or Python for performance, but often will and having the option to use a database backend is a good thing.

Third, having the data in a database allows you to interrogate the data using SQL. If you are more familiar with SQL, or just know how to do a particular task in SQL, this can be beneficial.2

Fourth, I think there is merit in separating the tasks of acquiring and cleaning data from the task of analysing those data. Many data analysts have a work flow that entails ingesting and cleaning data for each analysis task. My experience is that it is often better to do the ingesting and cleaning once and then reuse the cleaned data in subsequent analyses. A common pattern involves reusing the same data in many analyses and it can be helpful to divide the tasks in a way that using an SQL database encourages. Also the skills in ingesting and cleaning data can be different from those for analysing those data, so sometimes it makes sense for one person to do one task, push the data to a database, and then have someone else do some or all of the analysis.

Regarding the second question, there are a few options. But for this chapter we will use duckdb

To install DuckDB, all we have to do is install.packages("duckdb").

Then we can create a connection as follows.

Here we use the default of an in-memory database. At the end of this chapter, we discuss how we could store the data in a file (say, legislators.duckdb) if we want persistent storage.

3.3 Rolling Time Windows

3.3.1 Calculating Rolling Time Windows

mvg_avg <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores") |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  window_frame(-11, 0) |>
  mutate(moving_avg = mean(sales, na.rm = TRUE),
         records_count = n()) |>
  filter(sales_month >= '1993-01-01') 

mvg_avg |>
  select(sales_month, moving_avg, records_count) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
sales_month moving_avg records_count
1993-01-01 2672.08 12
1993-02-01 2673.25 12
1993-03-01 2676.50 12
mvg_avg |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sales_month)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = sales, colour = "Sales")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = moving_avg, colour = "Moving average")) 

  avg(sales) over w AS moving_avg,
  count(sales) over w AS records_count
FROM retail_sales
WHERE kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores'
WINDOW w AS (order by sales_month 
             rows between 11 preceding and current row)
Displaying records 1 - 10
sales_month moving_avg records_count
1992-01-01 1873.000 1
1992-02-01 1932.000 2
1992-03-01 2089.000 3
1992-04-01 2233.000 4
1992-05-01 2336.800 5
1992-06-01 2351.333 6
1992-07-01 2354.429 7
1992-08-01 2392.250 8
1992-09-01 2410.889 9
1992-10-01 2445.300 10
retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores") |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  window_frame(-11, 0) |>
  mutate(moving_avg = mean(sales, na.rm = TRUE),
         records_count = n()) |>
  select(sales_month, moving_avg, records_count) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
date_dim <-
  tibble(date = seq(as.Date('1993-01-01'), 
                    by = "1 month")) |>
  copy_to(db, df = _, overwrite = TRUE, name = "date_dim")
WITH jan_jul AS (
  SELECT sales_month, sales
  FROM retail_sales 
  WHERE kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores'
     AND date_part('month', sales_month) IN (1, 7))
SELECT a.date, b.sales_month, b.sales
FROM date_dim a
INNER JOIN jan_jul b 
ON b.sales_month BETWEEN a.date - interval '11 months' AND a.date
WHERE a.date BETWEEN '1993-01-01' AND '2020-12-01';
Displaying records 1 - 10
date sales_month sales
1993-01-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-02-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-03-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-04-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-05-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-06-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-01-01 1993-01-01 2123
1993-02-01 1993-01-01 2123
1993-03-01 1993-01-01 2123
1993-04-01 1993-01-01 2123
jan_jul <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores",
         month(sales_month) %in% c(1, 7)) |>
  select(sales_month, sales)

date_dim |>
  mutate(date_start = date - months(11)) |>
             join_by(between(y$sales_month, x$date_start, x$date))) |>
  select(date, sales_month, sales) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
date sales_month sales
1993-01-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-02-01 1992-07-01 2373
1993-03-01 1992-07-01 2373
date_dim |>
  mutate(date_start = date - months(11)) |>
             join_by(between(y$sales_month, x$date_start, x$date))) |>
  group_by(date) |>
  summarize(moving_avg = mean(sales, na.rm = TRUE),
            records = n()) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
date moving_avg records
1993-01-01 2248 2
1993-02-01 2248 2
1993-03-01 2248 2
WITH sales_months AS (
  SELECT distinct sales_month
  FROM retail_sales
  WHERE sales_month between '1993-01-01' and '2020-12-01')

SELECT a.sales_month, avg(b.sales) as moving_avg
FROM sales_months a
JOIN retail_sales b 
on b.sales_month between 
    a.sales_month - interval '11 months' and a.sales_month
  and b.kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores' 
3 records
sales_month moving_avg
1993-01-01 2672.083
1993-02-01 2673.250
1993-03-01 2676.500
sales_months <-
  retail_sales |>
                 as.Date('2020-12-01'))) |>

sales_months |>
  mutate(month_start = sales_month - months(11)) |>
             join_by(between(y$sales_month, x$month_start, x$sales_month)),
                     suffix = c("", "_y")) |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores") |>
  group_by(sales_month) |>
  summarize(moving_avg = mean(sales, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  arrange(sales_month) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
sales_month moving_avg
1993-01-01 2672.083
1993-02-01 2673.250
1993-03-01 2676.500

3.3.2 Calculating Cumulative Values

SELECT sales_month, sales,
  sum(sales) OVER w AS sales_ytd
FROM retail_sales
WHERE kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores'
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY date_part('year', sales_month) 
             ORDER BY sales_month)
3 records
sales_month sales sales_ytd
2017-01-01 2454 2454
2017-02-01 2763 5217
2017-03-01 3485 8702
ytd_sales <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores") |>
  mutate(year = year(sales_month)) |>
  group_by(year) |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  mutate(sales_ytd = cumsum(sales)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  select(sales_month, sales, sales_ytd) 

ytd_sales |>
  filter(month(sales_month) %in% c(1:3, 12)) |>
  collect(n = 6) |>
sales_month sales sales_ytd
2017-01-01 2454 2454
2019-01-01 2511 2511
2017-02-01 2763 5217
2019-02-01 2680 5191
2017-03-01 3485 8702
2019-03-01 3585 8776
factor <- 40/4.5

ytd_sales |>
  filter(year(sales_month) %in% 2016:2020) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sales_month, y = sales_ytd)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  geom_line(aes(y = sales * factor, colour = I("blue"))) +
    "Sales YTD", 
    sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . / factor, name = "Monthly Sales")

SELECT a.sales_month, a.sales,
  sum(b.sales) AS sales_ytd
FROM retail_sales a
INNER JOIN retail_sales b ON 
 date_part('year',a.sales_month) = date_part('year',b.sales_month)
 AND b.sales_month <= a.sales_month
 AND b.kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores'
WHERE a.kind_of_business = 'Women''s clothing stores'
Displaying records 1 - 10
sales_month sales sales_ytd
1992-12-01 4416 31815
1993-12-01 4170 32350
1992-11-01 2946 27399
1993-11-01 2923 28180
1992-10-01 2755 24453
1993-10-01 2713 25257
1992-09-01 2560 21698
1993-09-01 2622 22544
1992-08-01 2657 19138
1993-08-01 2626 19922
retail_sales_yr <-
  retail_sales |>
  mutate(year = year(sales_month))
retail_sales_yr |>
  filter(kind_of_business == "Women's clothing stores") |>
             join_by(year, kind_of_business,
                     sales_month >= sales_month),
             suffix = c("", "_y")) |>
  group_by(sales_month, sales) |>
  summarize(sales_ytd = sum(sales_y, na.rm = TRUE),
            .groups = "drop") |>
  filter(month(sales_month) %in% c(1:3, 12)) |>
  collect(n = 6) |>
sales_month sales sales_ytd
1992-02-01 1991 3864
1993-02-01 2005 4128
1994-02-01 1970 3756
1992-03-01 2403 6267
1993-03-01 2442 6570
1994-03-01 2560 6316

3.4 Analyzing with Seasonality

retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business %in% c("Jewelry stores",
                                 "Book stores",
                                 "Grocery stores")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sales_month, y = sales)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(vars(kind_of_business), nrow = 3, scales = "free")

3.4.1 Period-over-Period Comparisons: YoY and MoM

SELECT kind_of_business, sales_month, sales,
  lag(sales_month) OVER w AS prev_month,
  lag(sales) OVER w AS prev_month_sales
FROM retail_sales
WHERE kind_of_business = 'Book stores'
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY kind_of_business ORDER BY sales_month)
Displaying records 1 - 10
kind_of_business sales_month sales prev_month prev_month_sales
Book stores 1992-01-01 790 NA NA
Book stores 1992-02-01 539 1992-01-01 790
Book stores 1992-03-01 535 1992-02-01 539
Book stores 1992-04-01 523 1992-03-01 535
Book stores 1992-05-01 552 1992-04-01 523
Book stores 1992-06-01 589 1992-05-01 552
Book stores 1992-07-01 592 1992-06-01 589
Book stores 1992-08-01 894 1992-07-01 592
Book stores 1992-09-01 861 1992-08-01 894
Book stores 1992-10-01 645 1992-09-01 861
books_w_lag <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores') |>
  group_by(kind_of_business) |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  mutate(prev_month = lag(sales_month),
         prev_month_sales = lag(sales)) |>
         sales_month, sales,
         prev_month, prev_month_sales)

books_w_lag |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
kind_of_business sales_month sales prev_month prev_month_sales
Book stores 1992-01-01 790 NA NA
Book stores 1992-02-01 539 1992-01-01 790
Book stores 1992-03-01 535 1992-02-01 539
books_monthly <-
  books_w_lag |>
  mutate(pct_growth = (sales / prev_month_sales - 1) * 100) |>
  select(-prev_month, -prev_month_sales)
books_yearly <- 
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores') |>
  mutate(sales_year = year(sales_month)) |>
  group_by(sales_year) |>
  summarize(yearly_sales = sum(sales, na.rm = TRUE),
            .groups = "drop") |>
  window_order(sales_year) |>
  mutate(prev_year_sales = lag(yearly_sales),
         pct_growth = (yearly_sales/prev_year_sales - 1) * 100)

books_yearly |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
sales_year yearly_sales prev_year_sales pct_growth
1992 8327 NA NA
1993 9108 8327 0
1994 10107 9108 0
books_monthly |>
  filter(!is.na(pct_growth)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sales_month, y = pct_growth)) +

3.4.2 Period-over-Period Comparisons: Same Month Versus Last Year

books_lagged_year_month <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores') |>
  mutate(month = month(sales_month)) |>
  group_by(month) |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  mutate(prev_year_month = lag(sales_month),
         prev_year_sales = lag(sales)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  select(sales_month, sales, prev_year_month, prev_year_sales)

books_lagged_year_month |>
  filter(month(sales_month) <= 2, 
         year(sales_month) <= 1994) |>
  arrange(sales_month) |>
  collect(n = 6) |>
sales_month sales prev_year_month prev_year_sales
1992-01-01 790 NA NA
1992-02-01 539 NA NA
1993-01-01 998 1992-01-01 790
1993-02-01 568 1992-02-01 539
1994-01-01 1053 1993-01-01 998
1994-02-01 635 1993-02-01 568
books_lagged_year_month |>
  mutate(dollar_diff = sales - prev_year_sales,
         pct_diff = dollar_diff/prev_year_sales * 100) |>
  select(-prev_year_month, -prev_year_sales) |>
  filter(month(sales_month) == 1) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
sales_month sales dollar_diff pct_diff
1992-01-01 790 NA NA
1993-01-01 998 208 0
1994-01-01 1053 55 0
books_lagged_year_month |>
  filter(!is.na(prev_year_sales)) |>
  mutate(dollar_diff = sales - prev_year_sales,
         pct_diff = dollar_diff/prev_year_sales * 100) |>
  select(sales_month, sales, dollar_diff, pct_diff) |>
  pivot_longer(-sales_month) |>
  collect() |>
  mutate(name = fct_inorder(name)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sales_month, y = value)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(. ~ name, nrow = 3, scales = "free")

With PostgreSQL, we would use to_char(sales_month,'Month'); with DuckDB, the equivalent is monthname(sales_month). To use an approach that works with either backend, we draw on arguments to the lubridate function month().

sales_92_94 <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores',
         year(sales_month) %in% 1992:1994) |>
  select(sales_month, sales) |>
  mutate(month_number = month(sales_month),
         month_name = month(sales_month, 
                            label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE),
         year = as.integer(year(sales_month)))

sales_92_94 |>
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(month_number, month_name),
              names_from = year,
              names_prefix = "sales_",
              values_from = sales) |>
month_number month_name sales_1992 sales_1993 sales_1994
1 January 790 998 1053
2 February 539 568 635
3 March 535 602 634
4 April 523 583 610
5 May 552 612 684
6 June 589 618 724
7 July 592 607 678
8 August 894 983 1154
9 September 861 903 1022
10 October 645 669 732
11 November 642 692 772
12 December 1165 1273 1409
sales_92_94 |>
  collect() |>
  mutate(year = factor(year),
         month_name = month(month_number, label = TRUE)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = month_name, y = sales, 
             group = year, colour = year)) +

3.4.3 Comparing to Multiple Prior Periods

prev_three <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores') |>
  mutate(month = month(sales_month)) |>
  group_by(month) |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  mutate(prev_sales_1 = lag(sales, 1),
         prev_sales_2 = lag(sales, 2),
         prev_sales_3 = lag(sales, 3)) |>

prev_three |>
  filter(month == 1) |>
  select(sales_month, sales, starts_with("prev_sales")) |>
  collect(n = 5) |>
sales_month sales prev_sales_1 prev_sales_2 prev_sales_3
1992-01-01 790 NA NA NA
1993-01-01 998 790 NA NA
1994-01-01 1053 998 790 NA
1995-01-01 1308 1053 998 790
1996-01-01 1373 1308 1053 998
prev_three |>
  mutate(avg_prev_three = (prev_sales_1 + 
                         prev_sales_2 + 
         pct_of_prev_3 = 100 * sales/avg_prev_three) |>
  select(sales_month, sales, pct_of_prev_3) |>
  filter(month(sales_month) == 1,
         year(sales_month) %in% c(1995:1997, 2017:2019)) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
sales_month sales pct_of_prev_3
1995-01-01 1308 138.12
1996-01-01 1373 122.63
1997-01-01 1558 125.17
2017-01-01 1386 94.63
2018-01-01 1217 84.95
2019-01-01 1004 74.74
prev_three_win <-
  retail_sales |>
  filter(kind_of_business == 'Book stores') |>
  mutate(month = month(sales_month)) |>
  group_by(month) |>
  window_order(sales_month) |>
  window_frame(-3, -1) |>
  mutate(avg_prev_three = mean(sales, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  mutate(pct_of_prev_3 = 100 * sales/avg_prev_three)
prev_three_win |>
  select(sales_month, sales, pct_of_prev_3) |>
  filter(month(sales_month) == 1,
         year(sales_month) %in% c(1995:1997, 2017:2019)) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
sales_month sales pct_of_prev_3
1995-01-01 1308 138.12
1996-01-01 1373 122.63
1997-01-01 1558 125.17
2017-01-01 1386 94.63
2018-01-01 1217 84.95
2019-01-01 1004 74.74

3.5 Persistent storage

Having created a database connection, we can write the local data frame to the database using (say) copy_to().

We could specify temporary = FALSE if we wanted the data to be there permanently.3

3.5.1 Using PostgreSQL

3.5.2 Read-only databases

In some cases, you will have access to a database, but no write privileges for that database. In such a case, copy_inline() can be useful.4 Note that it seems you cannot interrogate a table created using copy_inline() using SQL, though it will behave in most respects just like a table created using copy_to() when using dbplyr. It is useful to note that copy_inline() is probably not a good solution if your data are hundreds of thousands of rows or more because the table is effectively turned into literal SQL.

retail_sales_alt <- copy_inline(db, retail_sales_local)

3.5.3 Closing the database connection

dbDisconnect(db, shutdown=TRUE)

  1. I requested a tweak to dplyr that would have avoided the need to do this, but my request was denied. Given how awesome dbplyr/dplyr is, I cannot complain.↩︎

  2. Though I will argue later that transitioning to dplyr/dbplyr is actually not difficult.↩︎

  3. Obviously this would not make sense if db is a connection to an in-memory database.↩︎

  4. I requested this function for a common use case I have. Thank you to the dbplyr team for making it happen.↩︎