8  Creating Complex Data Sets for Analysis

8.1 When to Use SQL for Complex Data Sets

8.1.1 Advantages of Using SQL

8.1.2 When to Build into ETL Instead

8.1.3 When to Put Logic in Other Tools


8.2 Code Organization

db <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb())

earthquakes <- tbl(db, "read_csv_auto('data/earthquakes*.csv')")

legislators_terms <- 
  tbl(db, "read_csv_auto('data/legislators_terms.csv')") |>
  compute(name = "legislators_terms")

videogame_sales <- 
  tbl(db, "read_csv_auto('data/videogame_sales.csv')") |>
  compute(name = "videogame_sales")
earthquakes |>
  filter(date_part('year', time) >= 2019,
         between(mag, 0, 1)) |>
  mutate(place = case_when(grepl('CA', place) ~ 'California',
                           grepl('AK', place) ~ 'Alaska',
                           TRUE ~ trim(split_part(place, ',', 2L)))) |>
  count(place, type, mag) |>
  arrange(desc(n)) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
place type mag n
Alaska earthquake 1.00 4824
Alaska earthquake 0.90 4153
Alaska earthquake 0.80 3219
California earthquake 0.56 2631
Alaska earthquake 0.70 2061
Nevada earthquake 1.00 1688
Nevada earthquake 0.80 1681
Nevada earthquake 0.90 1669
Alaska earthquake 0.60 1464
California earthquake 0.55 1444

8.2.1 Commenting

8.2.2 Capitalization, Indentation, Parentheses, and Other Formatting Tricks

8.2.3 Storing Code

8.3 Organizing Computations

8.3.1 Understanding Order of SQL Clause Evaluation

In general, I think the order of evaluation is more intuitive when writing SQL using dbplyr. It is perhaps more confusing to someone who has written a lot of SQL without thinking about the order things are evaluated (e.g., WHERE comes early in evaluation, but relatively late in the SQL).

In dplyr the meaning of filter() is usually clear by where it is placed. Some times it is translated into WHERE and some times it is HAVING. In the example below, a WHERE-like filter would be placed just after legislators_terms (much as it is evaluated by the SQL query engine), while in this case we have filter being translated into HAVING because it is using the result of GROUP BY query. One hardly need give this much thought.

terms_by_states <-
  legislators_terms |>
  group_by(state) |>
  summarize(terms = n()) |>
  filter(terms >= 1000) |>

terms_by_states |>
SELECT state, COUNT(*) AS terms
FROM legislators_terms
GROUP BY state
HAVING (COUNT(*) >= 1000.0)
terms_by_states |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
state terms
NY 4159
PA 3252
OH 2239
CA 2121
IL 2011
TX 1692
MA 1667
VA 1648
NC 1351
MI 1284

The way dplyr code is written makes it easy to look at the output each step in the series of pipes. In the query below, we can easily highlight the code up to the end of any pipe and evaluate it to see if it is doing what we want and expect it be doing. In this specific case, I find the dplyr code to be more intuitive than the SQL provided in the book, which uses an `a

legislators_terms |>
  group_by(state) |>
  summarize(terms = n(), .groups = "drop") |>
  mutate(avg_terms = mean(terms, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
  kable(digits = 2)
state terms avg_terms
OH 2239 746.83
WA 489 746.83
MD 961 746.83
DE 227 746.83
PA 3252 746.83
CA 2121 746.83
ID 188 746.83
MN 687 746.83
NJ 1255 746.83
VT 379 746.83
legislators_terms |>
  group_by(state) |>
  summarize(terms = n(), .groups = "drop") |>
  window_order(desc(terms)) |>
  mutate(rank = row_number()) |>
  arrange(rank) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
state terms rank
NY 4159 1
PA 3252 2
OH 2239 3
CA 2121 4
IL 2011 5
TX 1692 6
MA 1667 7
VA 1648 8
NC 1351 9
MI 1284 10

8.3.2 Subqueries

In writing dbplyr code, it is more natural to think in terms of CTEs, even though the code you write will generally be translated into SQL using subqueries.

The query in the book written with LATERAL seems much more confusing to me than the following. (Also, adding EXPLAIN to each query suggests that LATERAL is more complicated for PostgreSQL.) I rewrote the LATERAL query using CTEs and got the following, which seems closer to the second SQL query included in the book.


current_legislators AS (
  SELECT distinct id_bioguide, party
  FROM legislators_terms
  WHERE term_end > '2020-06-01'),
party_changers AS (
  SELECT b.id_bioguide, min(term_start) as first_term
  FROM legislators_terms b
  INNER JOIN current_legislators AS a
  ON b.id_bioguide = a.id_bioguide AND b.party <> a.party

SELECT date_part('year', first_term) as first_year, party,
  count(id_bioguide) as legislators
FROM current_legislators
INNER JOIN party_changers
USING (id_bioguide)
GROUP BY 1, 2;
3 records
first_year party legislators
2011 Libertarian 1
1979 Republican 1
2015 Democrat 1

Translating the CTE version into dbplyr is a piece of cake.

current_legislators <-
  legislators_terms |>
  filter(term_end > '2020-06-01') |>
  distinct(id_bioguide, party)

party_changers <-
  legislators_terms |>
             join_by(id_bioguide)) |>
  filter(party.x != party.y) |>
  group_by(id_bioguide) |>
  summarize(first_term = min(term_start, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop")

current_legislators |>
  inner_join(party_changers, by = "id_bioguide") |>
  mutate(first_year = date_part('year', first_term)) |>
  group_by(first_year, party) |>
  summarize(legislators = n(), .groups = "drop") |>
  collect() |>
first_year party legislators
2011 Libertarian 1
1979 Republican 1
2015 Democrat 1

8.3.3 Temporary Tables

Creating temporary tables with dbplyr is easy: simply append compute() at the end of the table definition. Generally, dbplyr will take care of details that likely do not matter much, such as choosing a name for the table (we don’t care because we can refer to the table below as current_legislators regardless of the name chosen for it).

current_legislators |>
SELECT DISTINCT id_bioguide, party
FROM legislators_terms
WHERE (term_end > '2020-06-01')
current_legislators <-
  legislators_terms |>
  filter(term_end > '2020-06-01') |>
  distinct(id_bioguide, party) |>

current_legislators |>
FROM dbplyr_001

Creating temporary tables can lead to significant performance gains in some situations, as the query optimizer has a simpler object to work with. Note that dbplyr allows the creating of an index with temporary tables, which can improve performance even further.

Not that some database administrators do not allow users to create temporary tables. In such cases, you can often use collect() followed by copy_inline() effectively. (This is also useful when you have data outside the database—so collect() is not relevant—but want to merge it with data in the database.1)

8.3.4 Common Table Expressions

We have been using them throughout the book already. For the sake of completeness, I rewrite the query given in the book here.

first_term <- 
  legislators_terms |>
  group_by(id_bioguide) |>
  summarize(first_term = min(term_start, na.rm = TRUE),
            .groups = "drop")
first_term |>
  inner_join(legislators_terms, by = "id_bioguide") |>
  mutate(periods = date_part('year', age(term_start, first_term))) |>
  group_by(periods) |>
  summarize(cohort_retained = n_distinct(id_bioguide)) |>
  collect(n = 3) |>
periods cohort_retained
21 280
3 1831
6 2385


I don’t think there is a “pure” dbplyr way of doing these. However, not all is lost for the dedicated dbplyr user, as the following examples demonstrate. Note that DuckDB requires a more explicit statement of the GROUPING SETS.

global_sales <-
  tbl(db, sql("
    (SELECT platform, genre, publisher,
      sum(global_sales) as global_sales
    FROM videogame_sales
    GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((platform, genre, publisher), 
                             platform, genre, publisher))"))

global_sales |>
  arrange(desc(global_sales)) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
platform genre publisher global_sales
NA NA Nintendo 1786.56
NA Action NA 1751.18
NA Sports NA 1330.93
PS2 NA NA 1255.64
NA NA Electronic Arts 1110.32
NA Shooter NA 1037.37
X360 NA NA 979.96
PS3 NA NA 957.84
NA Role-Playing NA 927.37
Wii NA NA 926.71
global_sales_cube <-
  tbl(db, sql("
    (SELECT coalesce(platform, 'All') as platform,
      coalesce(genre,'All') AS genre,
      coalesce(publisher,'All') AS publisher,
      sum(global_sales) AS global_sales
    FROM videogame_sales
    GROUP BY cube (platform, genre, publisher))"))

global_sales_cube |>
  arrange(platform, genre, publisher) |>
  collect(n = 10) |>
platform genre publisher global_sales
2600 Action 20th Century Fox Video Games 1.72
2600 Action Activision 4.64
2600 Action All 29.34
2600 Action Answer Software 0.50
2600 Action Atari 7.68
2600 Action Avalon Interactive 0.17
2600 Action Bomb 0.22
2600 Action CBS Electronics 0.31
2600 Action CPG Products 0.54
2600 Action Coleco 1.26

8.4 Managing Data Set Size and Privacy Concerns

8.4.1 Sampling with %, mod

One can also use random() to similar effect.

8.4.2 Reducing Dimensionality

legislators_terms |>
  mutate(state_group = 
           case_when(state %in% c('CA', 'TX', 'FL', 'NY', 'PA') ~ state, 
                     TRUE ~ 'Other')) |>
  group_by(state_group) |>
  summarize(terms = n()) |>
  arrange(desc(terms)) |>
  collect(n = 6) |>
state_group terms
Other 31980
NY 4159
PA 3252
CA 2121
TX 1692
FL 859
top_states <-
  legislators_terms |>
  group_by(state) |>
  summarize(n_reps = n_distinct(id_bioguide), .groups = "drop") |>
  window_order(desc(n_reps)) |>
  mutate(rank = row_number())

legislators_terms |>
  inner_join(top_states, by = "state") |>
  mutate(state_group = case_when(rank <= 5 ~ state,
                                 TRUE ~ 'Other')) |>
  group_by(state_group) |>
  summarize(terms = n_distinct(id_bioguide)) |>
  arrange(desc(terms)) |>
  collect(n = 6) |>
state_group terms
Other 8317
NY 1494
PA 1075
OH 694
IL 509
VA 451

Note that the CASE WHEN in the SQL in the book can be significantly simplified.

WITH num_terms AS (
  SELECT id_bioguide, count(term_id) as terms
    FROM legislators_terms
    GROUP BY 1)
SELECT terms >= 2 AS two_terms_flag,
  count(*) as legislators
FROM num_terms
2 records
two_terms_flag legislators
TRUE 8379
FALSE 4139
num_terms <- 
  legislators_terms |>
  group_by(id_bioguide) |>
  summarize(terms = n(), .groups = "drop")

num_terms |>
  mutate(two_terms_flag = terms >= 2) |>
  count(two_terms_flag) |>
  collect() |>
two_terms_flag n
TRUE 8379
FALSE 4139

Now we can reuse the num_terms lazy table we created above.

num_terms |>
  mutate(terms_level = case_when(terms >= 10 ~ '10+',
                                 terms >= 2 ~ '2 - 9',
                                 TRUE ~ '1')) |>
  count(terms_level) |>
  collect() |>
terms_level n
2 - 9 7496
10+ 883
1 4139

8.4.3 PII and Data Privacy

8.5 Conclusion

  1. See here for examples.↩︎